
portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut Double portrait in linocut director Vrebos and his partner from Brussels, Belgium portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut ortrait nurseryman van Iersel, it is a portrait in linocut commissioned portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut ortrait in linocut commissioned, made up of 11 colors
Linocut on linen

Portrait of woman of 65, acrylic on canvas painting gift from her husband Double portrait, acrylic on linen made by Twan de Vos of Mart and Erica on behalf of the gallery Sous terre portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut Portrait art broker Marlou Kursten, acrylic on canvas, the Art Calendar 2017 portrait have made, commissioned portrait, portrait painting, child portrait painting on canvas in acrylic portrait painter lino, linocut Self-portrait of Twan de Vos, acrylic on linen, by Twan de Vos for the Art Calendar 2017 kunst schilderij acryl op doek kind peuter portret portret schilderen
Acrylic on linen

Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad Portrait of our king and queen Willem alexander and Maxima Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad Portrait of Queen Beatrix, digitally created on the ipad Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad
Digital portrait

A portrait by order of yourself or someone else !

The portrait is made following photos. You do not have to model.
I prefer to take the pictures my self in a single encounter.
If the portrait is a surprise you can provide the photos.

Possible techniques:

Portrait linocut (oil on canvas)
Painted portrait (acrylic on canvas)
Digital portrait

Linocut portrait

Some examples:

Paul de Leeuw for the tv program "Star portraits"  Paul de Leeuw for the tv program "Star portraits"

Paul de Leeuw for the Tv program " Star portraits "
linocut on canvas, 80 x 100 cm - 1 print

portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print

Private persons
linocut on canvas, 50 x 70 cm

portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print

Maarten, mayor Sala and Kitling,
linocut on canvas, 30 x 40 cm

portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print portrait by order, portraits painting, portrait in linocut or portraits in silkscreen print

Private persons
Linocut on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 40 x 60 cm andd 30 x 40 cm

Dubbelportret in linosnede, kado vrouw voor haar man voor zijn vijftigste verjaardag

Private person
linocut on canvas, 60 x 80 cm

zelfportret portret linosnede portret schilderen burgemeester Jager portret linosnede portret schilderen Bernhard portret linosnede portret schilderen tom en guus portret linosnede  portret schilderen

Price portrait linocut up from 500 Euro

Painted portrait, acrylic on canvas

A few examples:

Portrait of Joost Kursten, acrylic on linen, 50 x 70 cm, portrayed for his beloved Maastricht Portrait of woman of 65, acrylic on canvas painting gift from her husband

Portrait art broker Marlou Kursten, acrylic on canvas, the Art Calendar 2017 Self-portrait of Twan de Vos, acrylic on linen, by Twan de Vos for the Art Calendar 2017

Digital portrait

Some examples:

Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad Portret van koningin Beatrix, digitaal gemaakt op de ipad

Portrait of our king and queen Willem alexander and Maxima Digital portrait, drawn on the ipad

Digital portraits of people. Email photos of the person you want to portray to Twan de Vos
and you will receive a portrait in high resolution that you can print, publish or use as you wish.
Have yourself or someone else portrayed from a photo in my style.
The price of a digital portrait starts at 75 Euros.You will receive the portrait by email within 7 days.

I can also proces the portrait, as has happened with the following example.
The children of a couple that was married for 25 years commissioned me
to create a double portrait of their parents.
I made sure that a banner of 150 x 200 cm was printed.
A beautiful, surprising and remarkable result.

Digital portraits of people. Email photos of the person you want to portray to Twan de Vos and you will receive a portrait in high resolution that you can print, publish or use as you wish. Have yourself or someone else portrayed from a photo in my style. The price of a digital portrait starts at 75 Euros. You will receive the portrait by email within 7 days.


Twan de Vos
tel. 0031624853415